Tuesday night all the kids went to spend the night at grandma and grandpa's house for school the next day and so we only had Akayla-Joy with us. While I got things ready for us to leave the house at 5:45am the next morning.
6:50, the phone rings. OH no! We're late. We were supposed to be at the hospital at 6:30am and we live about 30mins away! Thank goodness I had dressed Akayla-Joy the night before in what she was going to wear to the hospital. But we were out the door in just minutes. I won't tell you how fast we got there!
The staff was great. Even though we were late they didn't push us through to get started. They took their time. Talked to Akayla-Joy and put her at ease. They took the time to talk to us and answer any questions. I was impressed.
When my son had his surgery they did not let either of us go into the surgery room. But with Akayla-Joy they let one of us go and she wanted mommy. It was hard watching her struggle to watch me as her eyes got heavy and she fell asleep. I kissed her on the forehead and waiting with her daddy.
The surgery itself was pretty fast. About 30-40 minutes. And we were called back to see her about 15 minutes afterward. When we first walked in it was quiet but then I heard her quietly starting to wake up and groan. But as soon as I got to her and talked to her she went back to sleep and stayed asleep for about an hour.
After an hour of sleep, she was in and out a few times and was very queasy when she did wake up. She even tried a popsicle but she couldn't keep it or water down. When we had come back to be with her after the surgery it was about 10am. But we did not leave until 1pm. We took our time so she could wake up before we left.
When we got home, she slept the afternoon away and into the night but she was a trooper. The nurses kept saying; "She's so good, is she always like this?" "Yes, she is!"
Her nausea didn't leave until the next morning and she braved going to school only 2 days after her surgery.
I am proud of her, she came through and is on the road to recovery. She is still going to need to patch and wear her glasses since she is still working on her vision. We are praying that the surgery will help regain her vision even sooner.
Thank you to all family and friends who prayed! It meant a lot to us!