Friday, June 17, 2011

Never forget

I can't believe that it's been a year already. It's amazing how life continues in spite of all the things we may go through on a daily basis. I couldn't help but take a moment to remember Jonathan, who was such a big part of our lives.

I can still remember his smile and I can still hear his voice. I still think of him at odd times. Like when I walk in the door from a night of scrap booking. One night he startled me when I came home to find him in my living room,"Hi Aunt Jocelyn", he had said. The other day my youngest, Alaya, now three yelled out "Hi Jonathan" waving at someone. He is still everywhere for us all.

From loosing my dad almost 13 years ago, I know the pain it is to loose someone you love. But you never forget. We all miss him just as much as we did a year ago. But we have to remember where he is. I'm sure he is having a party in heaven and we will one day see him again. Until then we have great moments to remember and share with each other. The fun times we had at family gatherings or days he went fishing with my husband. They keep his memory alive.

I have photo's of Jonathan holding each of my kids, except Alaya. We couldn't believe we had no photo's of him with her because she really loved him! She was only 2 but she would ask him for things or for him to hold her and he would always get it for her or pick her up to carry her around. We always called after him, "Jonathan, you have a shadow!" Each of my kids will have a photo to remember them with Jonathan, great memories I can pass on to them.

Jonathan and Aryianna '98.

Jonathan with Jaylen Fall '03

Jonathan holding Jayden.
We are at Lake Tahoe with the
family, Summer '06.

Akayla-Joy, Christmas morning '05.

I will never forget our last day that God gave us with Jonathan.
And I will always remember how he was sitting
with the kids playing Guess Who.
He sure loved his family.

One more soul takes to flight.
One more soul says good night.

Your hearts may ache for me.
But please know, I am now truly free.

Heavens light now holds me tight.
As the stars above are shining bright.

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